How to use the Complete Sleeprrr pillow

We have been selling the Complete Sleeprrr pillow at Belmont Chiropractic for over a decade.  It is very cheap for the quality, long-lasting and able to be customised making it perfect for the majority of body types. One of our patients had some ongoing pain between...

What is Colic?

What is colic? Colic is diagnosed when an infant cries for more than 3 hours for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks Like so many conditions, the diagnostic criteria are “made up.” If you have an unhappy infant who was only crying for 2 and a...


This is not just for old ladies! Young folk, athletes and old people are all able to acquire this problem. What is osteoporosis? Essentially, it is your bones not containing enough mineral content. This means there are fewer struts, beams and columns in your bony...


Cool word, huh? This word describes an approach focusing on the factors that support health rather than the factors that cause disease.  It could be termed a “salutogenic model.”  This better describes the lens through which I view the world of health...

Hay Fever

It’s that time of the year when plagues so many of us.  Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes… yuck! Aside from the symptoms, what is hay fever? Aside from the symptoms, what is hay fever?Essentially it is your immune system going a little over the top at the...