How to stop slouching (the lazy way)

If we sit more than 10 hours a day, we’ll definitely be tempted to slouch. Whether glued to the computer screen, texting on a smartphone, or driving, we all have pitifully poor posture. Slouching makes your upper back muscles weak and chest muscles tight. Your...

How stress negatively affects your health

Stress is everywhere and it affects us all. You may notice the signs of stress during busy times at work, dealing with a challenging relationship, trouble with the bank or managing any difficult task. Too much stress can wear you down and make you sick, both...

How to use the posture pole

Hours spent hunched over at your desk or in your vehicle can be harmful to your shoulders, neck, and soul. If you use the posture pole you can open up your chest, to help reverse the problems from a hunched posture. A posture pole is certainly a great thing to have in...